

Different Types Of Baby Strollers (Numbers Bush)

Baby strollers are more than a form of transport; they serve as a safe place for infants to rest while moms are busy with the chores. All quality strollers have effective braking mechanisms that allow the device to lock in place, preventing accidental rolls. In addition, they come with a host of extra goodies.

There are now so many models of strollers that it's easy to get confused. High-end models are expensive and loaded with extra features but unless you really have need of them, they prove to be unnecessary expenses. The best way to choose a stroller is to check whether it can be folded with ease, how much weight it can hold without tipping over or slowing down, and how many compartments it has. Here's a list of the types of strollers you'll find at most baby goods store.

Umbrella strollers

Umbrella strollers have a retractable roof or canopy to protect babies from direct sunlight. They're compact and lightweight which means they can be toted around with ease. However, they aren't always as stable as other types and have more upright seating. This means infants unable to sit on their own may find it uncomfortable despite the installation of seat belts. So choose them only for babies aged six/seven months and older.

Jogging strollers

Jogging strollers have three wheels instead of two and are aerodynamically shaped for higher speeds. Like umbrella strollers, they don't recline fully so they should only be used for babies who can sit on their own. They may have a canopy and come equipped with sophisticated braking systems and all-terrain wheels. Higher-end models can hold children up to five years of age.

Travel systems

Travel systems are designed to be foldable, lightweight and compact. They're more basic than other types because portability and weight would be compromised if they featured too many storage compartments and padding. As such, they should only be purchased if you already have another type of stroller. The one advantage they have over several others is a car seat base so babies can be carried to and from vehicles with no disturbance.

Full-size strollers

Full-size strollers are the heaviest because they include all comfort and convenience features. They're heavily padded, have multiple storage compartments, sturdy handles, very good braking systems, a canopy, feeding tray and a fully-reclining feature. If you can only invest in one stroller and don't intend to use it during workouts or travel, this is the one to choose.

Convenience strollers

Convenience strollers are designed for moms on the go. Lightweight and compact but with a full canopy and a fully reclining seat, they're made for convenience. They also have storage baskets and good braking mechanisms.

Double strollers

Parents of twins or two children should opt for double or duo strollers designed specifically to accommodate two bodies. The seating design has one in front and another in the rear (tandem) or side-by-side. Canopies are common. Such strollers may be three-wheel or four-wheel devices.

Side-by-side designs can make steering a bit difficult though length remains the same. A tandem design, on the other hand, is easier to control and doesn't require such a wide berth. Fully reclining seats are meant for very young infants and most double strollers usually accommodate older babies and children up to the age of four years. Some models also have a car seat base.

A new born needs special care and attention should be paid to his development. Baby store is a one-stop store for kids of all ages. They offer from baby basics and fashion clothing to nursery furniture. Refer this link for additional details.

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