

Adoption A Loving Option For Your Child

If you are a birth mother in South Florida experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, the choice between adoption and raising the child yourself can be excruciating. You love your child and want to give them the best that life has to offer, but if you are a single parent or are facing dire financial difficulties, you may see no way to provide them with what they need. There are multiple factors to consider when choosing between adoption and parenting, but rest assured that if you choose adoption, this does not make you a bad mother! Everyone knows this is an incredibly difficult and heart wrenching decision made for the good of your child and his or her future.

First, you should know that a birth mother in South Florida will always have contact with her child. In Florida, there is no such thing as a "closed adoption." A birth mother can choose how much contact she wants, ranging from letters and pictures sent by the adoptive family to regularly scheduled visits. Also, adoption does not carry the stigma it did 40 or 50 years ago. Today, children are raised knowing they are adopted and that they have a birth mother who put them up for adoption out of love and to ensure the best possible future. A birth mother in South Florida can also work with an adoption agency to choose the family for their child. Most agencies have databases of potential adoptive families. A birth mother can meet with several potential families and ask them about parenting methods, daily life, religious preferences, hobbies, other siblings, education plans, and more. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your child is being raised in the home you would want to provide for them. Similarly, though your child will have the last name of their adopted family, you have every right to choose his or her first name, giving them a lifelong reminder of the immense love you have for them.

Adoption can also be a tremendous financial help to a birth mother in South Florida. In addition to the obvious fact that the child will have stable finances when they are growing up, most adoption agencies provide financial assistance to the birth mother throughout her pregnancy and the adoption process. It is common for agencies to cover the birth mother's medical expenses and provide counseling and many agencies also provide housing for the birth mother. Most importantly, all of this is done with compassion, empathy, and understanding. Though this is a difficult time, it is also a time of hope. As a mother, you are bringing a child into the world, showering her with all your love and providing her with the best future you can give. And no matter how much contact you choose to have, for the rest of her life she will know how much her birth mother loved her and will be grateful.

Birth Mother South Florida - When you are a birth mother in South Florida searching for a reputable, experienced adoption agency, One World Adoption Services, Inc. is a non-profit, state-licensed, local agency. We are dedicated to offering you the support you need throughout the adoption process here in South Florida, and we offer a proven track record of three-plus decades of successfully matching South Florida birth mothers with loving adoptive families. We can visit with you, face-to-face, at the location most comfortable to you. To learn more about our caring, confidential, local, community-based adoption services, visit or call us at 1-954-596-2222 or toll-free 800.745.1416, 24/7. Rate this Article

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Molly Larzelere has published 4 articles. Article submitted on May 03, 2013. Word count: 485

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